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A Little Stressed With Life

Lately I’ve been trying to keep it together which hasn’t been easy and I haven’t been able to get the hours I need so I’ve fallen behind in a bill. I have no idea how I will pay and then I get a disconnect notice but I was able to get a extension but not by much. Sometimes I feel like as soon as I get a little ahead then something happens to knock me down. I always try to think of the bright side of an issue but most of the time I just want to cry. I’ve had many crying spells but I never let anyone see. I always say that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle but I just want a break, a breather where I don’t feel like I’m drowning.

It is not easy to be battling with depression and still trying to live life to it’s fullest and be that positive person. Sometimes I don’t want to be that positive person or that person that seems to have it together because I don’t.

I’ve been battling depression and anxiety for a long time and sometimes I have awesome days and sometimes I have really bad days and on top of all that I am going through menopause so my emotional state has been all over the place. This is my life it’s not all sunflowers and sunshine. This blog has been help to me because through my blog I can share how I’m feeling and I do appreciate all my followers, you keep encouraging me to blog and it helps me.

So if you can help me by giving to my CashApp that would be of great help to me.



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