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And The Chill Is On

My Art

Today I awoke early because it’s Tuesday and trash day so I hurriedly threw on pants, coat ,hat & gloves and when I stepped outside I regretted it deeply. I had to get the trash can to the street so I was moving as fast as I could. It felt colder than normal it was a bone chilly so when I got back in the house I turned to the news and the temperature was in the lower digits. It explains why I had to pull out my heater. DC still has a little bit of snow but it’s slowly melting so the ground is wet and there is ice. I’m not looking forward to going back outside to pull the trash can back in but I know it has to be done as well as going to work. But the thought of going outside just doesn’t thrill me. This is our winter so I will grin and bare it.



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