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Episode 19

So yesterday I had a cookout with my extended family, it's the family you gain through long friendships. The bbq started late but not really. We ate & sat around and talked while the kids played. I try to get with my EFamily as often as I can because to me it's important because no one is garrenteed tomorrow. My own family we get together but not as much as my extended family so I look forward to these gatherings they are truly a blessing.

I know I haven't been writing on my blog in awhile but I'm back & I will try my best to blog daily or at least try not to have so much time in between blogs.

I'm not sure if I ever said how I chose the name for my blog. Well I live DC, the place that will always be a city and never a state. So I live in a house with a beautiful front porch that stretches the length of the house which is not small but I have digressed. Anyway the porch is my escape & my serenity so it's also where I do most of writing then there is grits, one of the foods that I enjoy eating there is nothing like some good grits especially if cooked right. So that's where the name came from my two favorites.

With my blog you will go on adventures, first time experiences, and yes I will take you on food journeys either from my mom and second mom cooking to local restaurants and there will be talks about sports. So definitely keep following so you don't miss a moment.

Growing up I remember seeing my cousins almost every weekend but as we have become adults we barely see each other unless there is a funeral and that's the sad part & it shouldn't be but that's how it is sometimes.

I made a promise to myself that whether it be with my blood family or my extended family I would get them together as often as possible and so far I've been able to keep that promise with my extended family. I will continue with my family which I will probably have to push them but I will try.

I awoke this morning feeling blessed & tired but it's also a work day for me.


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