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Community Give Back

Well today I awoke a little sluggish but not by much and tired so it took me a while to get it together. Yesterday I spent a few hours at a Jack & Jill Bridal Shower and of course I showed off my dance moves which no one can touch but I have digressed so back to today and the giveaway.

I dressed and as I watched the news I knew it was going to be a hot one and I felt every bit of the heat as I walked the three blocks to Deanwood Deli which happens to be my favorite munchy spot. I love there wings because they cook them so well I be licking my fingers and lips and again I have digressed which will happen throughout this writing so I apologize in advance.

The closer I got to Deanwood Deli I could see the line of children and adults so I took a once around and the line wrapped around the Deli down the street and around the corner. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits but it was still early so the heat hadn't got to people yet. The whispers on the street was that most of the people had been there since 9am. I got there around 1pm and the sun was beating down but there was water, hot dogs and hamburgers being given out along with cotton candy. I did help pass out water bottles to those standing in line and most have been standing for hours. They had a bus that pulled in front where the shoes were and Big G, Ty and a few others were on the bus passing out shoes for a couple of hours. I did see DTLR (shoe store) bringing the shoes that were to be given out.

I see businesses come and go all the time in my neighborhood and every time the owner says how they will give back to the community and they never do but they definitely want the money and support.

Ty(Tyrone White) the owner of Deanwood Deli did just that, he didn't just talk he put his words to action and Big G, the lead singer of the Go-Go Band Backyard Band which is one of my favorite band, although I have a few Go-Go Bands that I'm a fan of and have been since my teenage years and my favorite song of the group is "Byb Hello". Big G is known for giving back to the community.

Ty set the bar high for the other businesses to follow and yes the wait was long but he did it. Although there were whispers but they were not looking at the bigger picture which was he was giving back to the community in which he has his business.

Now for what he had to deal with he did an amazing job.

I commend Ty because I know he didn't expect the large turnout but the fact he did it says a lot about his commitment to the community. Yes, there were a few things that could have been done differently but that's not for anyone to criticize because he did that.

I, personally want to thank Ty, Big G, and DTLR for putting this community outreach together and for their efforts and patience. Now I don't know if everyone got shoes but again it's the effort that he put into it.

I will have to say meeting Big G was one of the things on my bucket lists and I have many but I found him to be so approachable and I was able to give him a hug and that made it all worth standing outside for hours. One day I'll be able to go and see him perform live and be able to check that off my bucket lists.

If you haven't visited Deanwood Deli then you must because the food is amazing and I'm a foodie.

The Shoe Giveaway was Sunday August 20


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