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Episode 16

This artwork created by me

Today was a day off from work for me so I just stayed indoors because it has been a rainy dreary day. I did tv watch one of my many favorite movies on Disney which is Ever After A Cinderella Story. I did spend the day blogging which I enjoy.

I was skimming through my Instagram feed and came upon Kelly Clarkson interview she did with Henry Winkler. She had explained to the audience that her daughter is dyslexic & how she was being made fun of & bullied which I can relate because I am also dyslexic. I've been dyslexic since I was a child but didn't find out until I was in high school and that's when I was in intense therapy for most of my high school years and I still struggle with it as an adult. All through my school years I thought I was dumb but I knew I couldn't be that dumb if I was creative and I wish I had found out much sooner because once I did and started therapy I found out a lot of coping skills that help me to this day so Kelly Clarkson had guest Henry Winkler aka The Fonz & he admitted that he is Dyslexic which was a surprise to me.

I don't feel so bad or embarrassed about having it because I learned many of the celebrities have it but I'm also very creative and so that's where my strengths are.

It does take me some time to write & read but again I'm very artistic. I've written and published one book so far but I am still writing my second book which has become a challenge for me but it's a worthy one.

I will say if it wasn't for my parents and therapist I would have dropped out of school. People who don't have dyslexia will never understand the challenges that I have. The most important thing I learned is that I'm not dumb or stupid I just learn differently than others and that's okay.

I enjoy writing and blogging I'm forever challenged because of my dyslexia but I make no excuses. My goal is to one day make a living from blogging and travel and share my experiences with my readers. I do at times doubt myself but I'm determined to make this passion my career. Right now I work forty plus hours and I enjoy it because I'm constantly learning.

My passion has always been writing even with my challenges.

I'm still trying to figure out how to make this blog profitable I do know my readers will enjoy my blog that's not an issue it's making it profitable is the dilemma.

I plan to soon discuss about marijuana and to also educate my followers on the benefits and why it's important to shop at legal dispensaries.

I hope that if you are following my blog that you will continue because I have just begun.


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