Today was my day off so I binged tv and then sat on my front porch deep in thought. I thought about my many blessing and my creative abilities. I've been enjoying the weather and the fact that it gets dark later so I'm able to sit outside for longer hours and people watch. I've been on this journey of blogging for about three months and just recently started to get serious about it and my goal has always been to turn it into a career that will be fulfilling. I'm also back at writing my second book and yes, it's about hockey and DC. It's filled with romance, drama, hockey, DC & murder. My first book was just romance, hockey and deceitfulness but now I take it further and add murder. Also included in my second book I add the use of marijuana but I'm not going to say by who you will just have to read the book.
I wrote my first book and it wasn't easy it took me months because I have dyslexia and I wrote it on my cellphone because I didn't have a computer but I had WordPerfect on my phone. While writing my first book I was working at Capital One Arena and my co workers would listen to me read what I had written in between working I am forever grateful for them because they were my first audience. I'm not sure if they bought my book.
I haven't told my co workers where I work now that I have a book and I'm not sure why. I do post it on my social media but not that much because I'm not good at promoting. Those that have read it love it and are always asking about the second book. So now I'm no longer coming up with excuses as to why I can't finish it I plan to finish this year because I see my books becoming popular. I'm always visioning my books being a success and them turning into a movie for nextflix. Every time I look at my book it brings a smile to my face and I get even happier when I think about how close I am to completing the second book.
This is my first book that I wrote on my phone but I have a iPad now so I'm writing my second book with it but I hope to one day get a Apple Laptop and I will one day. My book can be purchased at Amazon and Kindle.
Next month I will be celebrating my birthday and I'm always so blessed to see another year around the sun. I take nothing for granted and I treasure every moment of my life.
If you haven't purchased my book go ahead and get it and let me know what you think.