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Episode 21

This picture I got from Pinterest

This morning I awoke early and well rested so as I look to get my charging cord that's when I see my remote that I had been searching for I hadn't been able to find it for about four days and it was in between my bed and night stand. So I take a seat on the front porch to write & watch traffic go by. It's going to rain today which will be a welcomed blessing.

My front porch is a work in progress it's not exactly the way I want it but over time it will be. My plan for my porch is to make it into a place of relaxation and serenity. I plan to have a lounge couch, table, chair and potted plants throughout my porch. For now I just have a table and chairs.

My cat Boo Boo has been chillin on the porch and my bed so it's been another good day.


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