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Episode 22

This morning I awoke fresh and ready for what would come but praying for a peaceful day. I started with a moment of prayer, meditation and gratitude which is so important nowadays. And yes my neighbors do see me in my pjs with a bonnet on & I make no excuses. I enjoy watching the sun rise and traffic roll down my street I often wonder if traffic can see me sitting on my front porch or if they even pay attention to what is around them.

My neighborhood is pretty quiet in the morning hours although there is the occasional fire truck, ambulance and police that ride through with sirens. We do have a four way stop that no one really seems to know how it works because I've seen countless accidents and a lot of close calls. I've seen drivers coast through the stop and then I've seen drivers who don't stop. I've seen impatient drivers who drive down the wrong way because they don't want to wait and they do it at a high speed. I've seen impatient driver's lay on there horn because they feel that the driver in front is going too slow and I've even seen drivers shoot at each other while driving down Sheriff Road. So, yes it's never boring on my street.

I know when I walk to the corner store and about to cross I always wait to make sure traffic has stopped completely because I've had a few close calls where drivers didn't stop and they would blow their horns, curse me all because I wasn't moving fast enough for them I usually give them the middle finger. I truly feel these drivers think they are entitled.

I see so much sitting on the front porch so yes I'm very much entertained.


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