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Episode 23

Today I was up early as usual I'm not the type that sleeps late although it happens sometimes but not often. I will have to say that by midday I need a nap which I take when I'm off work.

I always start my day with prayer, meditation and gratitude because I believe you have to take a moment to be appreciative of your blessings.

I take my seat on my porch where I take in the beauty of my neighborhood and I people watch as well.

As I'm people & traffic watching I see my neighbors walking their dogs but what I don't understand is why they refuse to pick up their dogs shit, that is what your supposed to do when your dog takes a shit, you take a plastic bag and pick it up so other people don't step in it. I feel why have a dog if your not going to clean up after it. What a few people don't realize is that when you are mowing the grass and you run over it, it stinks and gets up in your mower and you have to hose down the mower while the smell seeps through and it will piss you off.

To my surprise this morning the corner store opened early something it doesn't do often.

I have so many plans for this blog I want this blog to go places and I want my subscribers/ followers and readers to experience first with me like games, concerts and meeting people. I plan to do interviews, post receipes and share life experiences. I am thinking about having guest bloggers post on my blog. Of course my blog will always keep it real but also fun and entertaining at times. I really want my blog to be the most read blog online or at least close to it.

I'm looking into getting T-shirts and other things made and definitely get business cards created.


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