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Episode 27

I have a thing about my nails now if you know me, you know. I try to keep them looking good but sometimes that not always possible. Yes! I keep them long I feel naked when they are short and I love the compliments I get but I also hate when I get asked how do I wipe my ass because it's none of no one business and I find it weird when I get asked that. I will say mostly men ask me that and that just creeps me out a whole lot I literally walk away very quickly almost running because if a man is bold enough to ask me that question then he has some type of mental condition that hasn't been checked yet. I have few splurges that I do but that's just one of them. I'm still looking for a hair dresser that I can go to on a regular basis but I know that will take some time.

Moving Forward.......................

On social media there is a list going around that a group of women made of places that they will not go to on a date and also a list made by a group of men of things they will not do until they marry you , well this is what I have to say about these list I say thank you. The reason why I'm thanking them is because when I finally have a man that is interested in me I can send them the list and let them know that when they complete everything on the list I will make it so worth the time.

But these women have no idea how good they have it because once you reach my mature age, you get men who only want to take you to bed because they think you are desperate and willing to settle but I explain that I am not desperate and that I don't want to go to bed because that's how I got four kids I want to go outside. I've literally met guys exchange numbers but had to hang up and block because in the first conversation they start talking about sex which makes me believe you have a STD & you trying to get rid of it instead of going to the doctors but of course that's just me and I don't judge if you give up the cookies on the first date.

I know what I want and I don't plan on settling for less I do have goals that I am trying to accomplish.


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