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Episode 29

Today I awake with my mind being in peace and as I get ready for the day I'm made aware by the news that there will be a huge protest happening in downtown DC and while I'm not political I do have empathy for what is happening. I don't understand it fully & I don't know why there is so much hate towards the Jews. From what the news has said it's called March For Israel Rally the National Guard will be in town and it's supposed to be over a thousand protesters. I don't understand the war between Israel & Palestine and Gaza & Gaza Strip which has me so confused. I don't understand what Gaza & Gaza Strip is I don't know if it's a City, Country or Border. So with December fast approaching and it is the month that Jesus was born and from what I was always told Jesus was a Jew and if you have hatred towards the Jews then you have hatred of Jesus this is just my opinion. Then there was Hitler who tried to get rid of Jews so many years ago and failed miserably and it seems no one learned. There is a saying that goes something like this if you don't learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it. I know everyone has different opinions about what is happening and this is just my opinion.

And tonight my Caps play and I pray for everyone safety tonight.


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