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Episode 36

Today was a snow day, no work just relaxation & enjoying the snow. I really didn't expect so much snow but it is beautiful. I awoke this morning and made infused hot chocolate and throughout the day I ate different edibles because I wasn't going anywhere so why not. I put on my long johns to keep me warm so I wouldn't have to turn up the heat but I do have a space heater on. There is a lot that has happened & there are changes coming which I will talk about later. I understand change is needed for growth but it still was so unexpected and I prayed about it and talked to the universe and I’m just going to let the universe guide me in the direction I should go. I’m not much for change but I’ve accepted what will be with a positive attitude.

I broke two of my nails because I was anxious about the upcoming change and yes I cried for a moment but then I just took that moment to breath and remember that everything happens for a reason and to not question the reason. I have gone through so many emotions these last three days that I really can't count & I'm really wondering if it's because I'm going through menopause although the one good thing is that I don't have a menstrual cycle which I save some money because I don't have to purchase pads. Throughout the day I watched Steel Magnolia & 9 to 5 along with other movies.

I know whatever happens in the future it's because of the universe and I got to redo my manifestation board because it's a new year with new adventures.


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