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Episode 45

I’ve spent another day enjoying the weather and writing along with listening to Taylor Swift. It’s been an easy day no stress but the heat is not playing I’ve been sitting in shade on my porch as I watch traffic pass me by. I look around my neighborhood and I’m just amazed there are the local wall huggers & they have made a shade with chairs. I wonder how they can sit outside all day but I give them credit they are inventive and have adapted to the DC heat.

Today is my last day of lounge and tomorrow I am back at work which I’m looking forward to it. Today the U4 wants to come through like diarrhea and it has left me wondering. Now my Orchid plant is getting a lot of sun I’m so amazed that it’s thriving like it is and maybe there is hope for me.

I’m realizing that it takes a few days to listen to Taylor Swift music and she literally expresses almost every emotion that one person can have but not know how to release. As I continue to listen I realize that Taylor is tired of being talked about and she has made that clear in her music but you only have to listen carefully to hear her frustration.

Sitting outside really helps you unwind and it clears your mind and helps you to reconnect to self. I feel rejuvenated and ready for anything.


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