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Greater / Movie Review

So later last night I was scrolling through Netflix and came upon this movie and I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it but I did and I had a wide range of emotions. The movie is based on a true events about a young man named Brandon Burlsworth who's dream was to be a Arkansas Razorback football player. His brother and him were seventeen years apart so some people thought that Marty was Brandon's father. Now Marty nicknamed Brandon cheesecake but Marty did support him and so did some of his family even though they didn't think he would be a Razorback football player.

Brandon worked hard and his mother did give him the money to attend University Of Arkansas and after a year, he was able to get a scholarship. This young man was humble and not afraid to show emotion and had faith when other's didn't. He showed his teammates what it mean's to work hard and have faith. He motivated his teammates to be better players and human beings. He did get a chance to play as a Razorback as a walk on so he did accomplish that goal and he did graduate and got picked to play for Indianapolis Colts football team but sadly didn't get to play because the day he got picked he was killed in a car accident with an eighteen wheeler.

I was in tears by the end but the one thing that stuck with me was when one of his teammates was talking to his brother and quoted this that Brandon once said "If something's worthwhile, you've got to be hard-headed enough to stick with it, even when it hurts. That is powerful and words have power I wrote that down and pinned it to my manifestation board so I never forget.

His brother Marty is seen talking to a guy which he never referred to him by name but he has conversations throughout the movie and the guy seems to be so negative. I can't tell if anyone could see the guy because no one acknowledged his presence. The University Of Arkansas retired Brandon's number and encased his locker in glass in remembrance.

I recommend everyone to see the movie it is really a good movie but it will leave you in tears.



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