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Hey Friend

So last night I was chilling in my room almost sleep when I heard a helicopter flying overhead and it was so close it shook my house so I got up and walked to the window and I see fifteen to twenty police officers in my neighborhood. Now I see them and they are all searching for someone & then a fire truck pulls up and blocks the street and the helicopter comes back again and is shaking my house once again. I then go around my house checking to make sure all doors are locked which they were so I go to my kitchen door and look out which gives me a clear view of what going on. I have a very large yard because I've been blessed that my grandmother had invested in a home so many years ago before I was born . I can see police cars in the alley behind my house and they are searching the alley but they never find who they looking for. It was just crazy these officers were out in the neighborhood for about an hour before they left I guess they didn't find who they were looking for and then it went back to being quiet once again. So that was how my evening ended.


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