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It’s Me, Hi! I’m The Problem

Last night the Grammys was so enjoyable and Taylor Swift broke the internet and has everyone talking. She walked away with more than one award. Now Taylor did miss step when it came to Celine Dion and of course everyone was dragging her on social media but no one is perfect. I’m a “Swiftie” fan and I have this love, hate relationship when it comes to her because I love her music and reading about her but I get tired of her at times. I defend her miss step because no one deserves to be dragged online and last night you could see her excitement about her winnings so everyone just needs to chill.

It's crazy just how much she has going on with the ErasTour, Super Bowl, and Grammys I'm sure she is overwhelmed and that's where the miss step came with Celine Dion, who is a icon, and I can see that she never meant to disrespect her so I just hope that she doesn't let that experience dampen her mood so all you social media keyboard fanatics just pipe down. I did express my disappointment online about the miss step but I also said how she doesn't deserve the backlash and we “Swifties” are going to defend her. I hope she will make it in time for the Super Bowl LVIII but the Embassy Of Japan has heard our concern and said they will do their best to get her back to the USA for the Super Bowl. What I didn't know is there is a seventeen hour time difference so I will be keeping close watch to see if she makes it. I love to see the relationship she has with Momma Kelsey because it shows how truly genuine she is.

My most favorite song of hers is Anti-Hero / Midnights Album I truly feel those words and that song is me especially when she says “it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero, it’s me hi I'm the problem it’s me” I literally would sing that song when my name is mentioned because they always want to say something about me whether it's good or bad, I’d make sure they knew I didn't care.

Anyway my love, hate relationship I have will never cease and yes on Super Bowl Sunday I will write about her even though I know it's about football but that's me because as Taylor says “ players gonna play, play, play and the haters gonna hate, hate, hate and while you’ve been getting down & out about the liars and cheats of the world. You coulda been getting down to her sick beat.”…..PERIOD!



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