I had heard so many good things about this series so I had to see what all the hublub was about so I tuned in but it’s not something you should watch before work. It will have you in tears.
I’ve always been up to watching something new so I sat down and the movie engulfed me like no other movie has and it made me do some deep thinking. I have always pushed what I wanted to do to the side because I just never had the support from the ones that I felt should have given me the support so I didn’t do what really made me fill whole & complete. I watched everyone live their dream but me so now that my kids are grown & I am single once again I had decided that it was time for me to live my dream & not to care if I never get the support. I have never until now felt more myself than I ever have I have a love of creating that is art and writing. Through my creativeness I realized I had been married to two of the most selfish men ever.
This series has made me realize that if I never get the support that I want don’t fret about it and keep creating because as long as I find the joy in it then that is all that matters.
Although the love she had was one I have always wanted but I just don’t see myself going to Italy to find that true deep love but I know it’s out there for me and I know the universe will bring it to me so I wait.
This series reminded me how precious moments are & how important it is to live in that moment & to cherish your loved ones while they are still here because one day they will be gone & all you have are those moments you had with them.
I know that my blog and book may never bring in revenue but I will not stop writing because as long as I can share my gift with the world than I am fulfilled. I’m always blessed when I see someone follow or like my blog and also when my book is bought.
I have dreams of one day making a living blogging and being able to do more creative things with my blog. I am always keeping a positive outlook & I have a vision board to help me stay focus.
The series is very good and by the end of it I was ugly crying.