Lately I’ve been working on finishing my two books, one is a romance drama novel and the other is a book of poetry. I’ve always had a natural ability to write stories and poetry which I never went to college for. My second book which is a continuous of the first book. And my book of poetry is a collection of thoughts, feelings and emotions that I have decided to share with everyone. The one thing I enjoy about writing is that when I am no longer breathing my written words will live on and knowing that keeps me writing.
I often wonder who my book will attract & who would read it or even decide to purchase. I’m just an inner city woman who loves to write & who dreams of one day her book being in the top one hundred books on Amazon.
Available on Amazon and Kindle
The toughest part of being a self published author is trying to get people to buy my book and write a review on Amazon or to write a review at all. I do what I can to get my book noticed but I don’t have the money to advertise. Every chance I get I mention my book because I know with every purchase my book has the chance of moving up to the top one hundred books on Amazon. My goal is to one day quit my job and be a full- time writer with at least twenty books published.
My dream, goal or whatever you want to call it has always been to have a successful career being a author.
I spend my free time writing and of course blogging. I love writing on my blog & sharing my thoughts, emotions and the written words. I’m so very appreciative for everyone who takes time out of their day to read my blog and for those that follow me thank you.
Hmm! I wonder how many more people from around the world will follow me. I guess I will just have to wait & see.
If you are enjoying my blog please share & follow for more of my life adventures as I finish my upcoming two books & also my life as an inner city girl living in DC.