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Pandemic Pandemonium

This has been a trying time for everyone because of the virus. This pandemic has made so many people freak out to the point that they attack each other verbally and physically. I see it a lot on social media but I think people have become tired of the virus which I can’t blame them. It’s like you hear get vaccinated and you will not get it but then they say that you can still get it but the symptoms will not be unmanageable.

I truly believe no one knows anything about this virus & now there is a variant out that is easily spread. But it baffles my mind when I see people gathered in places with no mask & no social distances and then later they get on social media crying how they have Covid . I understand the need to interact with each other but you can do it but safely.

There is a variant that is spreading like an out of control fire that no one has yet to understand. All I know is that this new variant is easily transmissible and that is scary. Although I’m fully vaccinated but now I have heard that you can still get both viruses but the symptoms will be mild but for me I don’t want to get it at all.

So I’m going to give my conspiracy theory about this virus & no I’m not a conspiracy theorists but I do watch a lot of science fiction (sci-fi) movies. This virus was man made & that it was never to be released into the environment but with all experiments they never stay in a controlled environment. And the virus got out before they could develop a vaccine & then this virus does something that they were not expecting it mutated & now we are dealing with the aftermath of an experiment that went wrong.

Anyway there is a need for us as humans to treat each other better than we do. If someone doesn’t want to wear a mask then don’t approach them just stay away because your health should be more important than theirs. We can still go out and interact with each other but safely I say Micheal Jackson & the Asians did it right when they were wearing mask. I use to laugh & think how weird they were but not now I’m all for the mask & gloves.

We also need to stop making wearing a mask & getting vaccinated a political issue because it’s not. If we all want a little normalcy in our lives then we need to start doing little things like wear a mask, wash our hands and social distance. We can still have fun but be safe and again treat each other humanly even in this pandemic. Everyone deserves respect and that is what is missing now.

I myself will continue to wear my mask and try to social distance as much as I can. I do go out but not as much & I am careful about crowds if I can avoid the crowds I do. I will continue to enjoy life and all that it has to offer.



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