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The Ride

Well, the day started out normal I awake feeling not my best but I push through. Once dressed I pull out my tablet and check Chocolate City Canna website for any new strains coming out. I walk into my kitchen and cook breakfast while waiting for the dispensary to open. I then check the bus schedule and I travel to get to the nail salon. Once in the salon I take my seat and after an hour of pampering I'm back on the bus to the dispensary. I walk one block to the dispensary and enter through the first door and showed my medical marijuana card and then proceeded through the second door and walked up to the counter and then I walked my happy ass out & home. I get home and sit at the dinning room table and begin to roll but then I stop and remember that I still had some Bruce Banner so I decide that I'm going to mix Bruce Banner with Cataract Kush. This was the first time I had ever mixed two different strains and I was unsure of what would be the result but I needed to stretch what I had until I could get more. I did sprinkle a little bit of dry sift and I finished rolling then I sat outside on my front porch and sparked.

I sat in the chair enjoying the moment taking in the fresh air and people watching on what was a chilly day. As I continued to puff I could feel the head high happening but I continued to sit outside because I slowly began to become chair locked and it felt good.

I began looking around and I could see the scenery slowly changing and the ground beneath me didn't feel the same anymore. The more I smoked, the more my reality changed until I saw Aladdin standing in front of me holding out his hand and as I reached for his hand the clothing I was wearing began to change as I floated towards his magic carpet.

Aladdin lifted me with ease onto the carpet and we began to take a ride. We rode through DC and even though I had a fear of heights that fear was gone. Aladdin began to sing and as the carpet moved through the air. I grabbed one end of the carpet and Aladdin held firmly to the other end and then we held each other's hands tightly as I took in the scenery from above.

As I feel the wind upon my face it rips the bonnet from my head and I didn't care. We continued to ride going under bridges so close to the water that I can touch it. We flew through Third Street Tunnel and from there we glided through downtown DC effortlessly.

Then it was time for me to return home and as we came upon my home I see in the distance Nicki Minaj singing Barbie World in the middle of the street and as we fly closer to her, she points to me and says "I'm Barbie Bitch"!!!!!

As Aladdin leans into me I wake up and look around and realize that it's morning and that I'm on my front porch in my pajamas. I make way indoors wondering if it was all a dream or just a crazy head high that I had.


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