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The Future Of This Blog

When I started this blog I wasn’t absolutely sure of what I wanted to accomplish with it. I knew I wanted a place I could share my life experiences good & bad & I knew I wanted it to be my career. After being laid off from work & wondering what to do next I realized I had a talent for writing which has been my passion for a long time. As I saw it I had successfully published one book so how much harder could it be to start a blog. This has been a challenge to write every day but I am getting better. My goal is to do interviews & write short stories for everyone to enjoy & to add exclusive content. I can only hope that my blog will attract many readers from all over the world. So if those that are reading this blog would Like & Share this blog to help me reach my goal of over 100 followers that would be much appreciated. I am very thankful for the followers I have already. I only ask that you stick with me & watch my growth.


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