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TV Show/ Four Weddings

This morning after I awoke and got my blood flowing through my body I reached for the remote and began to watch Four Weddings I find the show intriguing. I wasn’t surprised that they would make getting married a competition because it seems to be the norm now. It really just shows people need for attention.

As I watch the show I often wonder what would really make a couple want to compete other than a free honeymoon because in reality nothing is free and neither is the honeymoon.

I have watched couples go all out to impress each other and say that they hope to win because they have no money to go on a honeymoon. In the end there is only one winner but several losers & you have to really wonder if the other brides are really happy for the winner.

You have to really wonder what the losing brides really want to say to the winner or the show.

I will say that all the bridal dresses are beautiful and most of the weddings seem fun to attend. As for me I will continue to watch on occasion just to see the beautiful bridal gowns.


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