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Weed Bout It


I'm going to write about marijauna and it's benefits. I've learned during the recent years that weed isn't as bad as once thought. I'm going to give you my opinion on it and try to remove the stigma.

I do know that marijuana has been around for years and the Native Americans used it's sap to remove warts. The early Native Americans used it for headaches to even treating syphilis and it was used as an topical ointment. Native Americans have always seen how helpful marijuana is for maintaining one's psychological health. When the sacred pipes or peace pipe were smoked the ingredient was marijuana. The Native Americans used marijuana as a form of diplomacy so when the Europeans came to America that's what they were given to keep peace. So the Native Americans knew about the benefits of marijuana before anyone else knew.

I wonder how weed became so bad over the years knowing that it was used many years ago. As I see it weed is a plant that grows from a seed in the ground so again how did it become so bad because it's not man made. Have you ever asked yourself why are so many against it?

As I have done my reading on weed I realized just how helpful weed is, it's used by cancer patients to help with the effects of chemotherapy, depression, muscle pain, sleep disorders and mental illness. I believe that the misinformation on weed came about because the war on drugs & yes there was and still is an drug epidemic but weed has nothing to do with it.

You see they couldn't say "say no to drugs " and not include marijuana but what they forget is marijuana is not man made. Heroin, Crack, Cocain and Fentanyl are all man made drugs that are addictive once taken and so are prescription drugs. There are more people addicted to man made drugs then weed. I've heard of people who have stopped using weed with no adverse effects but when someone has decided to stop using man made drugs they literally have a hard recovery and have to go to recovery centers.

Recently they have made weed legal statewide but not federally which I hope they do but I don't know. There are so many ways to take marijuana now that you don't have to smoke. Of course I will on the next post write about the many ways to take marijuana.

I think marijuana may have been around during the time of Adam & Eve because that would explain a lot of things.

In my next few post I will write about marijuana and hopefully in the process change a few minds.


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